Social responsibility aims at the stimulation and development of the citizens, with the objective of reaching the self-sustainability of small and big communities. Social responsibility has grown to be the sum of all efforts consisting of a consensus, a moral and economical obligation regarding the behavior of all the participants of life in society.
It has its absolute ethics in the social conscience and civil duty.
It is the moment of valorizing attitudes and revaluing management attitudes and values. This lead us to Ethics to consider the commitment with social responsibility. Ethics does not confront itself with obtaining the highest possible revenue, whenever in a scenario of respect to law and conducted by ethical principles regarding vendors, clients and collaborators. Its application and investment is what can be responsible for the life of a successful company.
is a company committed to the environment and to the development and hope of a better world.
We know the work of the following organizations and support them in their actions:
We would also like to recommend you the following work:
This book, with sales reverted to the non-profitable organization, can be purchased on the internet
Solidariedade: Depoimentos de um Beija-Flor